Discover the flavors of Sardinia – Regional cuisine

Sardinian cuisine is known all over the world. We will choose from colorful fruits and vegetables, aromatic cheeses, fresh meat, fish and seafood. Sardinia is famous for such delicacies as crabs, squid, lobsters, anchovies, mussels and finally sardines, whose name most likely comes from the name of the island.

Appreciate Sardinian Cuisine

The cuisine of Sardinia is the traditional cuisine of the island of Sardinia. It is characterised by its own variety and by the fact of having been enriched through a number of interactions with the other Mediterranean cultures while retaining its own identity. Sardinia’s food culture is strictly divided into food from the land and food from the sea. The Sardinian cuisine is considered part of the Mediterranean diet, a nutritional model that was proclaimed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage.

Fish and seafood

In addition to fish, seafood is also very popular on the island. There are many species of mussels (e.g. vongole) as well as octopuses, squid and shrimps. Their meat is very healthy, juicy and tender. Moscardini (small octopuses) with vegetables such as mirinzana (eggplant), faba (broad beans) and carciofi (artichokes) are very popular here.


Animal products dominate on the island, a lot of meat is eaten there: veal, mutton, pork, lamb, goat, game and cheese.


An abundance of fresh, sun-ripened vegetables and fruits make Sardinia a perfect place for vegans or vegetable lovers. Every tourist must try the local artichokes, which are served raw or dipped in olive oil. Local peppers, olives and eggplants are also delicious.


There are many pastures here, cheese is produced from sheep, goat and cow milk. The most famous cheeses of the Sardinian tradition are undoubtedly Sardinian pecorino, which has the DOP mark, Sardinian Fiore, Brigante di pecora and many others.

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Cuisine from the Cagliari

Area Typical dishes from Cagliari include còciula e cotza a sa schiscionera (clams and mussels cooked in a pan), fregula cun còciula (fregula with mussels), burrida a sa casteddaja (based on catfish, vinegar and walnuts), cassòla (a soup combining different types fish, crustaceans and molluscs), s’aligusta a sa casteddaja (lobster in Cagliaritan) and spaghitus cun arritzonis, i.e. sea urchin spaghetti with artichokes or wild asparagus.

Where to shop?

If you are looking for fresh, truly authentic Italian products, visit the Mercato di San Benedetto, located in the capital of Sardinia – Cagliari – the largest covered market hall in Europe. We will find absolutely everything there. Choose from colorful fruits and vegetables, aromatic cheeses, fresh meat, fish and seafood. There will certainly be delicacies such as crabs, squid, lobsters, anchovies, mussels and, of course, sardines.

What you must try ?

Seadas (sebadas) are large “dumplings” made of shortcrust pastry fried in oil and drizzled with honey, filled with white, soft cheese that melts under the influence of temperature. Very sweet and very delicious!

Another specialty is cheese and the way this special honey is served. it’s abbamele with ricotta, i.e. cottage cheese topped with black honey.

Freola pasta Real, traditional freola is made by hand using only flour, warm water and salt. Small, hand-rolled balls dry naturally and then are baked in the oven. You can eat fregula in many ways in Sardinia – most often, fregula is served with tomato sauce and mussels.

Bottarga caviar it is nothing more than the mud ovarian sac from which it is taken at the end of summer. The product is pressed, savory, dried and stored for a longer or shorter time, according to an ancient procedure.

Roasted Piglet with Mirto is baked piglet meat decorated with green myrtle branches, it is a bush growing everywhere on the island, an element of the Mediterranean maquis. A tincture of the same name is made from it. 99% of the time, after eating maialino sardo, i.e. Sardinian piglet, the hosts of the agritourism farm will serve bottles with a very dark liqueur on the table, it will be myrto, and a glass of it will help digest the feast.

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Monica is a passionate travel article writer with a deep love for exploring new destinations and immersing herself in different cultures. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, she brings her readers along on captivating journeys through her vivid descriptions and engaging narratives.

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